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नमस्ते ! Recently due to the increase in the number of corona patients in my area, the whole area was sealed and packed with barricades which felt very depressing and alarming for my mental health. So, I had to make a very tough choice i.e "भाई भागो यहाँ से ". I talked to my father and we hired a driver and planned everything accordingly. It seemed so easy to travel from Delhi to Bihar at a glance but it isn't, it may be ONLY 16-18 hour drive but "फट कर हाथ मैं आजाती है !!".   We started our journey around 4'o clock in the morning which was quite easy for me as what do they call me "निशाचर !", it's not a derogatory term its simply means "Night owl". The start was quite good, we were enjoying a ride at 120km/hr, imagining quite alluring nature and environment which generates in our minds from the so-called ROAD TRIPS in Bollywood movies but that never happened we only saw vast highways and farmlands. The trip was as follows...

PRIDE MONTH... Breaking out of the cocoon !!

BE CAREFREE !! We, humans, have explored the immense oceans, colossal earth, the moon, and the ever-expanding SPACE, so why are we hesitating to explore ourselves or ashamed of bracing our sexuality. L: LESBIAN G: GAY B: BISEXUAL T: TRANSGENDER Q: QUEER + : 41 more for reference : India is a country of great men and awesome women, but why there is no proper mention of characters like Shikhandini or humans of various sexuality. India is a progressive country and so should be their mindsets. Here are some points to ponder upon........... Marriage proposals My parents do not support homosexuality. They never will. My classmates often gossiped about Karan Johar and Shahrukh Khan. The number of guys on lesbian dating sites is alarming. What will society say?  Am I ILL?  Thinking about these points always disappoints me, we are moving forward towards the 21st century, a period of immense devel...

Living just three blocks away from CORONAVIRUS........

GET WELL SOON...... NEIGHBORS!!!!! So, yesterday we came to know that one of the members of the family living just three blocks away from us was tested positive of CORONAVIRUS. So for reference, I live in DELHI, the capital of INDIA as well as the uprising capital of coronavirus in INDIA, thanks to the honorable chief minister of Delhi SHREE KEJRIWAL AKA the muffler man of Delhi which himself seems to be tested positive for coronavirus............. Most of you may be aware of DELHI's condition but for assurance, I will put in the picture of Delhi. Uprising Capital of CORONAVIRUS in INDIA. Hospitals full of patients, devoid of caretakers but Doctors are available. Tests are happening but the data is not being released clearly. Our Kejri is never behind Modi, Aarogyasetu VS DELHI CORONA....  Delhi is in the phase of UNLOCKDOWN 1.0 People are dying but momos are our priority.  Delhi is in the red zone but we are Delhiites we go for DELHI DARSHAN and our CP(Cannau...

DM's are open and i am ready to listen !!

"I can't imagine how you must be feeling." Yeah. it's true that you can't imagine what a person is feeling or facing in his/her life but still, most of you are writing DM's are open and I am ready to listen. Read this sentence again carefully, you will find it like you are doing a favour where are your emotions buddy! rather than writing this post on you insta or social media, you should call your close friends personally at least, they deserve this much care yarr !! Now, just think how can someone open to a person with whom they have not talked for a long time, how can they share the dark secrets or regrets of their life with you suddenly. Seeing these type of posts on insta or WhatsApp really made my blood boil to the stupidity and hypocrisy of some peeps. Ok, suppose you got happy by seeing these posts and some of you gathered all your courage and decided to call your friends to talk about your problems. Here comes the saying "When REALITY st...

"URBAN LEGENDS" in INDIA, what the !!

BWWAAARRHHHHHH !!!!! SEE, I have recently started watching a series: "SUPERNATURAL", some of you may know what it is or some of you may not know. So for those who don't know what supernatural is, it is a series based on horror stories. So, while watching it, a thought came into my mind, there must be some urban legends in INDIA too, yeah I know there are series like the typewriter, ghost stories, BETAAL on NETFLIX. I won't be sharing their stories, so don't worry. What are urban legends, for an easy understanding you can call it urban myths also. OK, some urban legends in INDIA can go like- "गाऊँ की चुडैल " , "गली का भूत बांग्ला ", " पीपल पेड़ का बेताल " I know it is funny but this is what these are called here. Some Indian urban legends go like this, I will point out some of them : Can idols of Lord Ganesha drink milk? How does Himesh Reshammiya’s music invite evil spirits? What’s the mystery behind Mumbai’s Gr...

Long lost Memorable Computer Games !!!

"OLD IS GOLD" ,  Its a saying that all of us would have heard at some point of time, but in this quarantine, i have started believing old is really gold. Just start from the epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata and other mythological series which has captivated almost 90% of the population during this lockdown. I was so bored from repeatedly playing games like PUBG, COC and others. So, i opted for the games that i used to play when i was a child and it really made me think of my childhood days which were sweet. These are some of the games that i have tried which have litreally created a shit storm in my head trying to remember how i completed these games during those times:  DANGEROUS DAV : Hopefully, some of you remember this epic game, it was a fun game during those old times and i really enjoyed playing this game when i was a child, but now seeing this game, I know "its graphics suck" !!! MARIO !! This game was love !!. Mario, i loved its ...


JANAMDIN MUBARAK HO !!! Hope this blog finds you in best of your health. (i know most of you would have heard his cliche starting line of an informal letter, dont judge me for it.) We are in that phase where economy is like a three leg chair , markets are unstable and you all know, what all problems we as a country or citizens of the country are facing. But still, i would really be worried if my birthday comes in this quarantine and more worried would be my friends and family members who all are going to crack thier brains to celebrate my birthday in this goddamn lockdown. So, here i would try to show you some of the ways to celebrate birthdays in this lockdown. Method 1: The most common way to celebrate one's birthday in this lockdown would be making a video like this..... This video was the combined efforts of a whole group of friends who had taken the letters of happy birthday one for each. But if you are not able to gather such a crowd for your friend or want...