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Long lost Memorable Computer Games !!!

"OLD IS GOLD", Its a saying that all of us would have heard at some point of time, but in this quarantine, i have started believing old is really gold. Just start from the epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata and other mythological series which has captivated almost 90% of the population during this lockdown.
I was so bored from repeatedly playing games like PUBG, COC and others. So, i opted for the games that i used to play when i was a child and it really made me think of my childhood days which were sweet.
These are some of the games that i have tried which have litreally created a shit storm in my head trying to remember how i completed these games during those times:


Hopefully, some of you remember this epic game, it was a fun game during those old times and i really enjoyed playing this game when i was a child, but now seeing this game, I know "its graphics suck" !!!
  • MARIO !!

This game was love !!. Mario, i loved its character and its game play. This was one of the earliest games that i have played.


I dont even remember how many hours or sleepless nights i have spent to complete this game. I was literally crazy for this game, using cheat codes was fun.
This game is still a game worth playing !!!

Hopefully, you have played this game, this was the game for which we friends had so many fights for, this was a multiplayer game and it was fun fighting fot it and win the game after defeating each and evry friend of yours.
Some characters like akuma. ryo.wolverine were my favourites and they still are !!!


If you havent played this game, then i dont know what were you doing with your PC's or laptops. This game for me is a part of my childhood, i was always super excited to kick other players off their bikes, i rememebr each and every scene of being "BUSTED" by the police.


  • I dont know what to say about this game, just its name is enough to extract a myraid of  emotions. Paul's OVA and his hairstyle like a yellow scrubber is one of the best parts i liked in Tekken including JIN KAZAMA's history and his kicks. I loved that lion mask guy too.

    SO, that was all the games that i have tried till now, i will add more after playing some. Hopefully these games have some emotional connect with your childhood.

    (i know i havent included pacman because i didnt want to, haahahaha)


    1. I knew roadrash only... But it was love ❤️ this blog reminded me of my first and only game i played in childhood.


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