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Wingardium Leviosa !१!
Its not a greeting though , it was just for fun as saying it involves a lot of tongue movement.

As the title of this blog is MAGICAL four letter words, Let me recite some lines for you ::::::


As you all would have observed that all the words that are in the phrase consists of four letters and all those words have significant impact and affect in our daily livelihoods.

As i am a DELHIITE, how can I miss the most important word of our lingual dictionary i.e any guesses :
BHAI !!!!! 

Life :
Most of us would not be knowing what life is and i wont be giving you an answer too as me myself is an immature kid who just loves to write blogs. So if you want an answer you should consult the following people :

  • A mother who has given birth to a child, she will tell what according to her is life.
  • A patient who was saved from cancer and now can live  for more years

Love can be considered as one of the most weird and most valuable feeling that a person can feel in this lifetime
SO, what is love, I would love to tell you guys what love is for me, but lets leave this topic for the next time when i would be heartbroken or in a majhnu mood !!!

I wont be explaining each and every word like any other blogger as i am lazy af !!! I just wanted to write this to make your brain think out of box and suggest me some more four letter words which are amazing in the comment section !!

I will write your name infront of that word too { thats called an incentive which makes an employee work harder so that his boss can buy yet another BMW} 

जय हिन्द !!!!!!
new words : 
1.  FOOD : Sonali 


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