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10 things to keep in mind to make your business successfull !!!


Nowadays, starting your business or setting a self owned startup is one the best decisions made by the youths but do you guys even know how many startups or business fail in their starting period only !!!
Approx 20% of the startups fail in their first 2 years only.

Here are 10 golden points to make your business successful :

(if you are thinking why i am not following these rules and starting my own business then my answer to your doubts is for following these strategies, first i should have an idea for starting a business)

1. Check what people need!   
Is your business catering the needs of the people or not.

2. Dont ever have a sub optimal team just because you dont want to spend your money on manpower!! 

3. Never lose your focus
As the saying goes keep your focus on the eyes of the fish just like Arjun and not the whole body of fish.

4. Dont get stuck in legal issues 
Talk with a CA and get all valid cerificates your company need.

5. Have a good sales and marketing execution
Someone said sales and marketing can bring you customers but it is your product which will keep your customers.

6. Always get a good location.
it means that the rent of your location should not exceed your revenue

7.Never get into a business where there is threat of being outcompeted 

8. Always learn from your failures.

9. Planning is an essential part of business and executing the plan is way more important .

10. Prevent Cash burn. 



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